Finishing 2023 well - most of this week has been focused on landing the year well! In part, that involved getting as much input as possible from Andrew and Ben (who are now taking some well-earned annual leave), and Niki too!
Niki has now finished up her time at Local Welcome 💜 Many of you will have met her as she led Leader Design Forums - the results of which informed the valuable work she’s done during her time here.
Since the summer, Niki’s been playing an integral role in re-designing the support we provide to our leaders so that - as we enter 2024 - groups can make decisions they’re best placed to make as local people on the ground, and run more autonomously as a result.
As his final task for the year, Ben will be in touch via email to detail a bit more on how these changes will take shape in the new year.
Celebrating sign ups in Norwich - the first results of the round of changes we made to the website last week have indicated success! We switched social media ads on in Norwich on Dec 8th, and we’re pleased with the amount of people there who have expressed interest in becoming leaders and members so far!
Now we’ve found the winning formula, we’ll be scheduling social media ads in more locations over the festive season, to make best use of the ‘lounging and scrolling’ that many of us are prone to during the holidays 🙈 🍲 🥧 🍫
Creating videos - we sent a video brief along with some footage captured at our Derby and Liverpool meals earlier this month to Nice and Serious (who are providing us with pro-bono support for the year) and they’ve delivered impressive work. We can’t wait to share them with you soon! Azad has also been working on a first version of a video ad which we’re looking forward to seeing the results from.
Here’s a screenshot of a reflective exercise we did together at our remote team Christmas Social on Tuesday evening! We thought we’d share it so you can give it a go with your loved ones over the festive season 💜
Thank you for reading, and Happy Christmas!
Celia + The Local Welcome Team