We did say that Tuesday evening’s design forum would be our last for the time-being, but we’ve now booked in another next week on Wednesday 25 October at 6pm!
Here’s a summary of what to expect from our designer Niki**:**
We've heard that leaders are keen for flexibility around what you cook and how. We're keen to find ways to make this happen. The next Design Forum will consider how we might enable this whilst maintaining safety around food hygiene.
Please click here to book on to attend the design forum.
If you can't attend but still want to share your thoughts, we’d really value them - please click here to fill out a short form we've put together.
All hands will be on deck at team Local Welcome next week as we get to the final stages of preparing to run a meal in partnership with Save the Children and a celebrity chef the week after next, including all the publicity which is set to come with it. We can’t wait to share more when we can!
We loved this fantastic birds eye view of the eating commencing at Cardiff’s meal last Sunday- we’re also not surprised that this delicious food earned a thumbs up!
Plus, here’s a bonus photo from our Design Forum on Tuesday night! 😍
Thank you for reading, and happy weekend!
Celia + The Local Welcome Team